About me
I’m currently a PhD candidate at the University of Pennsylvania in Computer Science. I was previously at EPFL where I obtained both my Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Computer Science.
My two main centers of interest are
- Programming Languages:
Even though some people might see them as nothing more than tools, I see
them as a fascinating subject of study.
Some topics that I’m interested in are:
- Compilers, which have the delicate task of transforming code written for humans into efficient code meant for machines;
- Type systems, and how these can be used by programmers to express and communicate what their code is doing;
- Semantics, i.e. what do programs actually mean, which allow precise reasoning about code;
- and Software Verification: how to make sure that software does exactly what we expect (and want) it to do? I’m particularly interested in applying this to my aforementioned other center of interest, i.e. verifying all of the code which is required to get a working programming language.